Posted by: peebles | July 26, 2008

Isaiah 26:3 to 4 (NIV), “You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you. Trust in the LORD forever, for the LORD, the LORD, is the Rock eternal”.

Isaiah 26:3 to 4 (NIV), “You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you. Trust in the LORD forever, for the LORD, the LORD, is the Rock eternal”. 

Perfect peace, is something that we would long for. Jesus said in John 14:27 (KJV), “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid”.

In a world that can toss you to and fro, a world where peace is spoken of in only hopeful undertones, and whispers of calm in the midst of great catastrophes and smoking mirrors of confusion, where true Godly peace is never found, there is place we can turn to, a place where we can find rest, and perfect peace in God.  It is because God is not a God of disorder, but of peace; His peace brings everlasting life, His peace calms the soul, His brings true hope that we can all believe in, that we can all hold onto.

When we all face difficulties in life, and our mind can be torn not knowing which way to turn; we can get carried away and lose our focus on the Lord. However, our text for today says, God will keep us in perfect peace; never losing our peace, nor our calmness. The world will sometimes look at a Christian and say, “How can you be so calm, how is it that you have a peace about this when nothing is going right for you just now?” We know where our peace comes from, it a peace that the world neither has, nor does it understand, it is the peace of God. The Bible says in Colossians 3:15 (KJV), “And let the peace of God rule in your hearts”. When our minds are stayed on the Lord, His perfect peace rules in us. He is the LORD JEHOVAH, from whom comes our strength to face anything, and so we have the perfect peace of God with us.

My friend, sometimes we do not have that perfect peace in our lives because our minds are on everything, and anything, but God. This simple old hymn sums it all up:

What a friend we have in Jesus, All our sins and griefs to bear!
What a privilege to carry, everything to God in prayer.
O, what peace we often forfeit, O, what needless pain we bear–
All because we do not carry, everything to God in prayer.

Today let these Bible verses wash over your life. May they minister to you in a fresh way.  May you experience a calmness, and receive perfect peace in your soul, as you hear the word of God say to you today, “You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you. Trust in the LORD forever, for the LORD, the LORD, is the Rock eternal” – Isaiah 26: 3 to 4 (NIV).  

God bless you my friend, Matthew.



  1. I just searched for “Peace in God” and I found your article. I have been hearing this same message in my spirit for the past few days (which is what led me to see what other members in the Body of Christ are getting).

    It’s amazing how the Holy Spirit unites us as believers.

    Great Blog!

  2. Hey there my dear friend. I wanted you to know that this week was a horrible one. One morning I opened my email to see this scripture waiting for me. radio sends out a verse to me every day. I held onto this scripture. Then this morning I sat down and read your email to me. So I thought I would come here and leave a comment and will email you of course. Justin is correct. I often see how God lays on the hearts of many the same verse, lesson and topic. He is working on us as a whole body and not just individuals. Love you!!

  3. Thank you Mattew McDonald for this article. I am currently going through some things right now, and I know God is trying to deal with me concerning trusting in Him totally, so He puts the words of this scripture in my heart early this morning. I decided to check out the bible passage online whenI stumbled into your blog. It has blessed me.

  4. Hi Mathew, this word is such an encouragement. it encourages me to surrender all to Christ for He is all knowing, omnipotent and omnipresent….i just feel so much peace in my heart..ohh God blesss you and continue to fill your cup as you continue to empty it for His glory

  5. Wuonderful to have a full context scripture and commentary!! So often I cling to one (or even part of one) scripture without a solid understanding of it’s reference and location. Thank you so much. I have requested without success, a daily verse to be sent to my email by the wonderfu Christianl radio station I listen to. I just need to call them and have failed to do so. Yours is a great resource as well. Thanks again.

  6. I was looking for this verse in Isaiah about peace and stumbled upon your blog. Though this was written years ago, the Spirit is still very much alive!! I’m really encouraged and strengthened especially I’m going through such a stressful, confusing situations that my decision making ability became impaired. Each day and each night is just so heavy that you can’t go on anymore. But after reading your blog, it seems like a new strength for the journey was breathe on me. The same night that I stumbled on your blog, I offered everything to God by writing down everything that’s in my heart and mind, things that pulling me down and oh, what a released!!! Peace and strength started to come back. And now, each moment, the Spirit leads me to sing the hymn. To remind me to place into His hands and enjoy His SHALOM. Thank you Matthew. God bless you.

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