About. All these blogs which are written by the author Matthew Mc Donald have a copy right.

When I read the Bible, I enjoy learning about Jesus, His grace, mercy and love. With each and every page that unfolds, there comes a new light, a new depth, a new meaning to my walk with the lord. As I read the Bible I come across amazing things in it that  has spark my inspiration to write about Jesus. I have written, ” My thought for today ” for a while now.  A good friend asked me to put them on this site. I prayed about it, then thought, why not? It seems a good idea to do so. I hope you enjoy reading this blog site.

God bless you, and thank you for taking the time to read about Jesus. God bless, your friend in Jesus, Matthew.


  1. Matthew,
    Your website and words are beautiful! Thank you for sharing this with me!

  2. God bless you, thank you. Matthew.

  3. Hello, friend. This is a beautiful site … written by an awesome man of God. Thank you for always praying for me. Who knows, maybe we’ll meet some day and it will be a super duper cool story to tell people. 🙂


  4. I am so privileged to know you. Your insight into God’s word is so amazing. You have truly been given a gift. Thank you for blessing me so greatly.

  5. Your fresh words shared from heart are like the drops of dew for the dried land. It refreshes the Souls which are thirsty for the Lord.

  6. WOW, you are an inspirational guy. God Bless you and the wee fellow

  7. Hey you! ;o)

    I’m excited to read more of your stuff!

    ~ Silly Heart

  8. Really Good my friend – enjoyed your word for today and really felt special – Keep writing and encouraging – GB rod

  9. I really appreciate the journey through the Bible you take us readers on. I just bought a new Bible and it needs some encouraging highlights! It’s on it’s way thanks to you!

    God bless,

  10. Your word are so inspiring. It is so good to see someone practice what they preach and helping others.

  11. Your words are inspiring & uplifting! Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts with the world!

  12. Wow!! re: your piece in January 2008 on eagles and spiritual represetation/significance of what the Father is feels for his children…

    I am an Eaglewathc volunteer…. always have felt something special since a little girl…

    God has used eagles as a sign or something… some don’t believe He gives us signs… all I know is at critical points in my life or when i had to make an important decicion.. and i asked for guidance….or comfort… an eagle would show up in the course of my day or even days…

    Now.. He is using them again.. to draw me even closer to Him… In the past 2 weeks I have learned more and more through watching waiting and listening… first to the eagles and then to God.. actualll at the same time…w

    I came upon your site ths evening… as i was compiling an making a video… of my journey with the eagles…using scripture…

    /this was and is not to be publishe.. just to use for my own reminde and enjoyment and maybe shae it with those interested….

    it felt good to know i am not the only one who sees how God uses animals, nature to teach us or reveal more of HIm.

    God bless you!!

  13. 🙂

  14. thanks for a great interruption. Please put me on your mailing list. sr

  15. Dear Matthew,

    I believe you are passing a good message about the eyes of the Lords, but at times we christain dont realise wat God Himself has for us, that is why Apostle Paul said in ephesians 1:18 that the eyes of our understanding be enlightened, if the eyes of our heart is opened then we will be able to service God not with feelings or emotions but with Passion.

    Thank you once again for your article, God Bless.

  16. Matthew, would it be possible to print a little excerpt from one of your blogs in our church bulletin?

  17. hi Matthew – thank you for this blog – I’ve just added it to my blogroll. 🙂
    I wonder whether it would be possible to include some in my website. It’s a non-commercial Christian website. Of course, I will mention your name/blog.
    Just read your Aug 14, 2008 message – and will read more.
    Have a wonderful weekend, God bless you, Ingrid

  18. Dear brother,

    Good morning . my name is sagar . i am from india … right now i am working in UAE. your words are really inspiring and encouraging b,cos there is jsesus in your words. i love you b,cos you love jesus and you are taking lot of effort to share his thoughts…..may the good god bless you…….lets remember each other in prayer
    “let his name be glorified “

  19. great words that nourish my heart!

    keep it up.

  20. I am so glad to read thise website today 12th November, 2009, because we were discuss about the word of God and this verse came to me and I just said let me try the website and it gave me the portion that increse my vision.

    God bless you, thank you

  21. I am so glad to read this website today 12th November, 2009, because we were discuss about the word of God and this verse came to me and I just said let me try the website and it gave me the portion that increse my vision.

    God bless you, thank you

  22. Matt I have often wondered if the disciples of Jesus Christ had copyrighted their conversations and their thoughts where we would be today. I wonder if Martin Luther had copyrighted his translation if the people would have been inspired.

    If I say something that inspires another to move closer to Jesus then I have done what I intended, and if he uses my words directly or paraphrased to inspire others then I am doubly blessed.

    These words freely given use or abuse them as you will.

  23. I would like to read the last two paragraphs of your 11/11/2010 writing about tears for a ‘tear bottle’ I will be giving out to participants in our GriefShare program. I will credit you.
    Thank you. Nancy Blake

  24. I found your site by accident but think the way you write is beautiful. Thank you.

  25. Praise God for your Holy Spirit inspired devotionals. My husband and I look forward to reading your blog every morning. May God richly bless you and your family and meet all your needs abundantly.

    We have noticed your humility and that you only seek to bring glory to God.

    Thank you for working for God!

  26. Bless you for sharing your talents

  27. Good Day,

    I am going through some tough time and I was extremely blessed by the verse in Job 16:19-20 that says the Lord is my advocate and He shall plead my case. I love the way you put it and it just brings it to life and then you give an example, which let’s me understand better. God bless you.

  28. Blessed!

  29. Richly beautiful insights and expression, so encouraging. Thank you!

  30. i love to do research of GOD’S WORD THIS WAS MOST HELPFUL TO ME

  31. I have read a few of your blogs and comments from others, as a woman of God willing to learn more each day, may I ask for it in my e.mail each day too?
    Many Thanks.

  32. Your website is a blessing to me. i pray for more auction to function in this finish work of our Lord Jesus. Amen

  33. Do you mind if I share your post on the 17th of august 2011 on my friend’s blog? That scripture particularly came to my heart this morning.

  34. can I link your blog on fixing your thoughts…on my facebook? If so, how do I do that? Do I cut and paste with your name on it? Is that permissible? I loved what you wrote. I am studying Hebrews and googled what it meant to fix our thoughts.

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