He is a restorer of broken walls,
He is the re-builder of lives,
He is the repairer of shattered dreams. 
1 ~ He is the restorer of broken walls.  
For far too long, the enemy has plundered our harvest; those fortified walls which once stood tall, have been left neglected. The Bible says in Song of Solomon 1:6 (NIV), “They made me the keeper of the vineyards; but mine own vineyard have I not kept.” We have been so busy helping others, so busy running after people; we have been so busy with other things, that we have not had time to tend our own vineyard. God will be unto you the restorer of broken walls, for out of the rubble of brokenness God can rebuild a fortified city filled with His blessing and goodness. He will enable you to put the enemy to flight – he will no longer plunder your harvest and no longer steal your blessing, for God will rebuild your walls. He will be your safe refuge, your strong tower.
2 ~ He is the re-builder of broken lives.
There is no one too far gone, no one so lost in sin, that God cannot save. Perhaps you once walked strong with the Lord, but now you feel so far away from Him. Let Him tenderly touch you once more with His healing love. Just reach out to your heavenly Father; He is waiting for you to return. If you have ever had your heart broken, then you will know the searing pain that cuts like a knife into the very core of your life. Yet there is hope for the Bible says in Isaiah 61:1 (NIV), “The Spirit of the Sovereign LORD is on me, because the LORD has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the broken-hearted.
God can take the poor lost sinner, lift him high from the miry clay and set him free. Many people have had their lives smashed, or shipwrecked on the hard rocks of life. But when we turn to God in our time of need, we find He is a God of compassion, a God of restoration and without condemnation. He does not say to us, “Look at your past, look at the sin in your life.” But He says to us, “You have a new beginning, your past is wiped clean, you have a great future ahead of you.”
Oh, let the healing Balm of Gilead minister to every painful sore of affliction. Let Him look under the “band-aid”, “the mask” that we wear to hide the pain in our heart. Let Him heal our lives with His healing balm.
3 ~ He is the repairer of shattered dreams.
Have you ever felt your dreams have been shattered? Only God, and He alone, can restore your dreams. He is a God of restoration. When we delight ourselves in the Lord, when make Him our joy and delight, when we make Him the focus of our lives and our heart’s desire, He will bless us, and make our dreams come true. Not only can He be the repairer of shattered dreams, but He can give us bigger and better ones. For He alone knows what is best for us.
My friend, our text for today says in Isaiah 58:12 (NIV), “You will be called Repairer of Broken Walls.” He is a God of restoration within relationships, within families and marriages, if we but let Him.
When we trust and learn to fully turn over the fragments of our lives to the LORD, He can rebuild them into something beautiful. He can turn a ruin into a priceless beauty; the rubble of bricks into a magnificent wonder of architecture, made by the Master’s hand. He is the Repairer of Broken Walls; the God of restoration and healing.
Today, why not reach out in faith to God in whatever area of your life you need a miracle in. Maybe your health has broken down, or you need a miracle in your marriage, or maybe within your family, you need God to be the repairer of relationships. Maybe you need God to rebuild your life, or even rebuild your dreams. Then today, reach out in faith and receive from God whatever you need, as He truly is the Repairer of Broken Walls.
God bless you my friend, Pastor Matthew

Three powerful and positive promises from the Lord that will bless your heart and encourage you to keep going strong for the Lord even in old age:

1. You will bear fruit.

2. You will stay fresh.

3. You will stay green.

1. You will bear fruit:

It is not about how young or how old you are but how available to God you are. The more time you spend with Jesus in prayer, reading the Bible and doing His will the more you will want to serve God, and the more and more fruit you will bear for God.

2. You will stay fresh:

Your walk with the Lord will always be fresh, never stale. You will always maintain a cutting edge with your testimony and in your ministry as you continue to follow Jesus with all your heart. Each and every day you will be filled with a fresh anointing of the Holy Spirit.

3. You will stay green:

You will flourish and blossom as you graze on fresh pasture everyday in God’s word. In your life there will always be green shoots of hope everywhere. Your Life in Jesus will always be green and lush with the things of the Holy Spirit.

Someone once told me, with a smile on their face, “As you grow older the more precious and priceless you become. You get silver in your hair, you get gold in your teeth, you get stones in your kidneys, you get lead in your feet, and you get gas in your stomach.” But no matter how your body feels, the powerful, precious promises from God’s word will keep you feeling young at heart. You can be examples of faith, fathers and mothers to young Christians and still stay strong in the Lord and the power of His might, and say with a heart full of faith, “Give me this mountain, for God is with me and I shall surely take it and win the victory!”

My friend, Moses was eighty years old when he led the people out of Egypt. Caleb was eighty when he said, full of life and energy, “Give me this mountain!” Never let the world hold you back when they hear how old you are. Take hold of the promises of God and enjoy life in God as our text for today says in Psalm 92:14 (NIV), “They will still bear fruit in old age, they will stay fresh and green.”

God bless you my friend,Pastor  Matthew.

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